As soon as we receive your submission, one of our representatives will sign you up to your course, and will send you an email with the instructions to begin!
Please enter the information below:
[contact-form subject=»Free Trial Submission» to=»contact@intelligensint.com»] [contact-field label=»Name» type=»name» required=»true» /] [contact-field label=»Last Name» type=»text» required=»true» /] [contact-field label=»Email» type=»email» required=»true» /] [contact-field label=»Phone Number» type=»text» required=»true» /] [contact-field label=»Choose one of the options below:» type=»select» required=»true» options=»I am a student,I am a parent,I am a teacher, educator or tutor,I am an executive, manager or employee» /] [contact-field label=»How did you hear about us?» type=»select» required=»true» options=»Facebook,Friend recommendation,I searched it online,Other» /] [/contact-form]
Frequently Asked Questions
We like to keep our website simple and concise. But we really care about you and we want to give you all the information you need. If you have questions, please write to us at: contact@intelligensint.com
How long does it take to do the Free Online Course?
It takes about 2 to 3 hours.
How much time do I have to finish my Free Online Course?
The time limit to complete your course is 3 days from the day you started it. If you have not finished your course after that time, your user will be disabled. If you still want to complete your course please write to us at contact@intelligensint.com.
Can I download the videos?
Unfortunately you can’t download them. But you can watch them the number of times you need or want while you are doing the course.
How does the Instructor check my lessons?
Every time you answer a lesson, your Online Instructor checks your answers and sends you his comments. You can see these messages in your email or directly on the platform. There are no grades for the essay questions, but it’s important that you make the appropriate corrections.
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