This course made me look at the specific parts of study and teaching that I had overlooked. I am a certified teacher and I have learned a lot from doing this course. It made me have realizations about my own studying habits.
I learned how structured teaching and learning must be, more than I had realized before. It must be done step by step and carefully followed so nothing is unknown or miscomprehended. I realized something about myself – that I am an impatient learner and that I want to learn things quickly so I can get on with what I need to do.
I see this same attitude in many of the students I teach, which makes me think that something is wrong with our system of education. I think that the curriculum demands more than we can teach well. It demands that we teach too much too fast. Because there isn’t enough time to master everything a student is taught, the student feels discouraged because he can’t become truly competent at anything, it is just too difficult. Hence, we get hectic students who want to get through their lessons as fast as possible and do something else in which they have successes such as video games or sports.
The focus of education should be on competency, not on how much material we cover. If students learned less, but learned it better, we would have graduates who could do something with education. Our society depends too much on the geniuses or hard workers who graduate our schools and are able to do what they were taught in a competent manner. We depend too much on the super teacher that has the right combination of force and charisma to inspire his or her students to learn. As a result, the abilities of the majority of students are never nurtured enough so they develop because they are not geniuses or they have not been taught by the super teacher.
This course has given me an approach that may seem more difficult to implement in our existing education system, being that there are so much content to cover, but it would be much more effective and would result in a much better educated populace. Much more could be written about this, but I can say that the approach that I have learned here is the most effective that I have ever seen.
– Educator from Canada